Wednesday, March 25, 2015

WMSCOG - Know your god - Who really was Ahn Sang Hong's wife?

GilJa claims she is the "mother" god, because she was married to SangHong who is the father god. Let's cut to the chase and look at SangHong and his real wife's grave who died on 2/25/1985 and 9/4/2008 accordingly. They are buried together like many other Korean couples do.
This is the picture of SangHong's wife Hwang while she was still alive. She was actually SangHong's 2nd wife, and GilJa was more of a concubine than a wife.

This is the picture of SangHong at his funeral.
This is group photo of SangHong's funeral attendees and GilJa is nowhere to be found. If GilJa is SangHong's wife as she claims, then why she was not at SangHong's funeral, and he was buried with his real wife Hwang?

Furthermore, Gilja was previously married before SangHong. The man at the center is GilJa's ex husband Kim JaeHoon

When they were still married, Kim and GilJa were members of SangHong's church. GilJa and Kim had kids together, but even her own kid's do not attend her church. Kim and GilJa were pretty poor and Kim had to go abroad to Saudi to make money for the family. While Kim was abroad, GilJa accompanied SangHong's many missionary trips. He found out about the extramarital affair and finally divorced GilJa. And GilJa and SangHong apparently had a wedding ceremony in the church.

However, SangHong never divorced his original wife, and thus he was buried together with his original wife. So let's summarize the situation.

1. Both GilJa and SangHong were married to other people previously.
2. Self proclaimed mother God and father God GilJa and SangHong had extramarital affair.
3. None of GilJa and SangHong's kids from their previous marriages attend WMSCOG.
4. SangHong is buried with his original wife because he was still married to her when he died.

Also, I would like to inform people who believes the name SangHong was prophesied in the bible as the name of God, let me tell you SangHong is pretty common name in Korea, and I can find you different SangHongs all day long.
For example, here's Kim Sang Hong and Lee SangHong and I bet I can find hundreds of Ahn SangHong as well. Why they are not the God?

This is a Korean website that reveals all the truth WMSCOG doesn't want people to know.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dahn-Gun 101 – Why does Ilchi trying so hard to be the reincarnated DG?

This is for ALL CURRENT DAHN MASTERS trying to learn the secret teachings from supposedly 3 ancient holy books. Don't waste time to studying them. The conclusion is obvious. Ilchi is the ONE and the Heaven. Respect him unconditionally because he saved your soul and sprit, and he is your spritual parents. You owe Ilchi everything, becuase he saved you from certain spritual death. The ONE truth is E-Wha and you get there by Hong-Ik. The best way of Hong-Ik is through Ilchi's WHO (World Hong-Ik Organizaiton). Do not questions the ONE. Abdicate everything else, you will be fine.

But here's what you REALLY should know: The most well known historical recording of DG is written in SamGukYuSa. Like all mythology, DG story contains ridiculous claims by today’s knowledge.

According to the book, DG’s parents were a heavenly being WhanWoong (father) and WoongNyeo (a bear who became a woman after eating garlic and Artemisia in a cave for 100 days). Many primitive societies have totem religions with animal stories like this. DG ruled Korea for 1500, and became an enlightened god when he was 1908 years old. Some Ilchi’s organization members claim the bear ate garlic and Artemisia for 21 before became a human to match Ilchi’s claim of 21 days enlightenment at Moak Mountain.

Now, this story is too fictitious so the story is changed as symbolic representation of great teachings by Ilchi’s GukHak, and they are now saying actually the bear did not become a woman, but it was actually name of a town called “Bear”. Also, DG did not live nearly 2000 year, but DG was a title (like King) that was inherited for 47 generations.

Story of DG is not the only Korean mythology Ilchi fabricated according to his needs. The story of Mago, which Ilchi claims to be Korean history written in BuDoGi, is also a crap, too. The book BuDoJi doesn’t exist and the first print of the book were in 1986 (only 24 years ago). No other book or text in Korean history ever mentioned BuDoJi. If the book existed or important, at least some mention of the story would have passed down.

All these “changes” are systematically fabricated at Ilchi’s organization named “GukHakWon” to support his demented Korean history.

So why is Ilchi so adamant about DG story, and supposedly 3 ancient holy books of Korea – ChunBuKyung, SamIlShinGo and ChamJeonGyeKyung?

DG as a religion diety that did not exist before early 20th century in Korea. DG only existed as shamanic diety. In early 20th century, Japan ruled Korea for 36 years, and Korean nationalism was at the worst shape eclipsed by Japanese imperialism. During the time of turmoil, many nationalistic DG (DongHak) cults sprouted all over Korea feeding on the bad time. Some of them went through elaborate scam of fabricating ancient texts to justify their religion.
The worst one was BaekBaekGyo. The charismatic leader JungWoon-Chun claimed he went into GumGang Mountain for 3 years where he gained the knowledge of ChunJiKiUn and Dahn-gun sprit. He said the doomsday will come on 1904 and everyone will die except BaekBaekGyo followers with white cloth. They will be lead to the land of enlightened paradise and will live forever. To make this paradise more convincing, he used “ancient” stories like BuDoJi and SamIlShinGo.

But when 1904 came and went, the world didn’t end, his followers started to revolt against the leader Chun. But his deception continued on till 1930. After he was caught in 1930, the police found 346 dead bodies and god knows how many he actually killed. He is also known to be a psychopath that buried people alive without guilt. He is known to have more than 60 second wives and biggest temple at the time.

The reason Ilchi is copying dahn-gun cults like BaekBaekGyo’s old doctrine is because of the prophecy of “BulGuangSunIn” (sounds familiar???) or “JungDoRyung” who is the Messiah that will take his followers to the enlighten place. Ilchi is trying to make he is the one – thus dahn-gun face look like him, etc.

This kind of primitive religious organization based on shamanic tradition is almost eliminated from modern Korea, since people are more educated and knowledgeable. But Ilchi is trying to revive this under pretense of “modernization” of Korean tradition GukHak. All I can say is, don’t just accept 3 Korean holy books just because Ilchi tells you so. Get some background and historical context. Then you will realize you are wasting your precious time with this cult organization.

O, one last thing. All 3 books are about the Heaven and the One. These are some clues:

  • Ilchi calls himself Ilchi – he is the One. ChunBuKyung POINTS to the One.
  • SamIlShinGo and ChamJeonGyeKung are books of trinity – Heaven Earth and Human.
  • Ilchi wrote a holy book called Chun Suh (The book of Heaven)
  • When Ilchi teaches, it’s called Gang Chun (heaven descending or teachings of heaven)
  • When Ilchi went to the jail it’s called YukChunIl (against the heaven day)
  • When 27 masters sued him it’s 2nd YukCHunIl (2nd against the heaven day)
  • Chun Bu Sung (the heavenly star where all his enlightned followers will go in golden turtle shaped space ship)
  • ChunHwaWon (the DW training center means be one with the Heaven)
I can go on and on and you will see the pattern that Ilchi is trying so hard to make him the Heaven and the One. You need to realize that you are a tool of Ilchi's ridiculous attempt to equate Ilchi and DG to save the humanity. Before Ilchi saves the humanity, he should pay some of the damages his followers suffered. There are about 1000 cult leaders in Korea who claims to be they are some form of deity. ALL of them use similar justification to enunciate and imply they are the ONE. This is an old scam.

This is the truth behind Ilchi’s demented psychopathic cult ambition. Some better cult leaders trying to get there by virtue, integrity, deed and spirituality. Ilchi doesn’t have any of those qualities, so he is trying to be the One with money willingly "donated" by his followers: hiring lawyers, buying honors, and hiding like a rat until people forget. If you don’t get this, you deserve to be in that organization.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Did You See the Forbes Magazine article on Dahn and Ilchi Lee

Here's what you should know: This is excellent in-depth reporting and my hope is that more will surface. Don't miss this article, but also be sure you read the comments section. Dahn employees, including Ilchi Lee's personal assistant, are posting comments under the names of trueform1, WannaBeHealthy, gonecycling, and lorjam. This is a great opportunity for you to witness the Dahn spin campaign at work. Click here to read the article and comments.

Click here to view the Forbes article